How to fill out a timesheet for work? Follow these 4 simple steps

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How to fill out a timesheet for work? Follow these 4 simple steps

January 26, 2021

How to create a timesheet? – software as a new way to create timesheets

What is a timesheet?

Timesheet is a card that presents a summary of the working hours. Usually, it has the form of a table divided into projects and tasks, sometimes also into clients. An employee shows how they spent their week or month at work – it is a kind of a report.

Timesheet is a card that presents the summary of your working hours, usually divided into projects, tasks and clients

Why do you have to do timesheets?

How to create a timesheet? – Why do you have to do timesheets?

The first obvious answer is that a timesheet is often the basis for getting your salary. But it is more than that! The employer uses your timesheets, among others, for business analysis. Thanks to this, the company can, for example, track project costs or assign employees to projects.

Also, when an employer sees your timesheet, they understand your job specifics much better and recognize your effectiveness. What’s more It is an opportunity for you to analyze your time and improve your self-management.

How to fill out a timesheet for work?

How to create a timesheet? –

You can prepare your timesheet in just a few steps. Don’t worry, it only requires some work the first time but you can do it!

1. Specify the informations required by your supervisor

Find out how detailed timesheets your employer requires. For example, it can be arrival and departure times, tasks in individual projects, short descriptions, or data to settle your payment.

2. Choose a proper timesheet template

Once you have this information – choose a template that suits your needs. Yes, you could make your own sheet or draw a table manually, but why waste time? We offer two different ready templates – check it out!

3. Include the required informations in the timesheet

List all the projects and tasks you have completed. Also, write down how much time each task took you and add short comments if necessary. Complete all the additional information.

4. Submit the timesheet to your supervisor in due time

Save the sheet and print or send it to your supervisor.

Implement good habits into your work

How to create a timesheet? – Implement good habits when reporting

You can also implement some good habits into your work that will facilitate reporting in the coming weeks.

  • Take notes! Write down when you come and go to work.
  • Put everything in your calendar. You will avoid the trouble of trying to remember all the meetings you have participated in.
  • Try making a to-do list. It will not only help to plan your time in advance, but allow you to clearly see what you did that week.

Be systematic and make your habits stick. This will definitely organize not only your timesheet but also your work.

A new path for making timesheets – dedicated software

How to create a timesheet? – Use a dedicated software

You need to know that the time management software market is growing rapidly. Hence, there are many ways to facilitate the process of making timesheets.

On the network, you may find not only many ready, automated excel sheets but also software to track your time. One such program is our application – TimesheetKiller. Basically, TimesheetKiller can do all of the above for you – check out our Explainer Video.

➡️ Download TimesheetKiller for Windows for free! ⬅️

Only now, the first 3 months of using TimesheetKiller is for free. So, hurry up, click the link to download the app! ⬆️

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Auto-generated timesheets
  • Care about timesheets only just before deadline
  • Focus on work instead of time tracking
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